Thursday, December 22, 2011

Session on Scientific Diasporas at the AAAS Annual Meeting, 2012

Coordinating, Learning, and Sharing Best Practices Among Scientific Diaspora Networks

Saturday, February 18, 2012: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Room 121 (VCC West Building)
Vancouver, Canada

The large-scale emigration of scientifically trained individuals to other countries while seeking better opportunities is often referred to as brain drain. However, this negative connotation obscures the great untapped potential that these diaspora science networks hold as viable and ongoing resources for their countries of origin. Although there are many efforts among scientific diaspora communities to engage productively with their homelands to improve the scientific capacities of these countries, there has been to date very little in coordination of efforts, in relating best practices in these engagements, or in highlighting what works and what does not. This panel aims to catalyze a conversation about how best to leverage existing efforts among disparate scientific and technical diaspora networks, to highlight models for engagement, and to foster greater communications between different diaspora networks that have much to learn from each other, as well as with governmental and nongovernmental bodies that aim to strengthen the role of diasporas in capacity-building in their countries of origin.


Marcelo Vinces, AAAS S&T Policy Fellow, NSF
Pallavi Phartiyal, Union of Concerned Scientists


Dr. Nicholas P. Farrell, Virginia Commonwealth University
Wild Geese Network of Irish Scientists: The First Year

Dr. Wael Al-Delaimy, University of California, San Diego
The Arab Spring: A Sunny Forecast for the Diaspora Scientists

Caribbean Diaspora for Science, Technology and Innovation: Driver of the Caribbean Science Foundation